Bold of you to assume I know who I am.

I go by Dazzle online. I'm a mixed media artist and a fan of all things creepy, crawly, furry, and scaly. This site is meant to work as a hub for all of my niche little projects. It's my digital fortress, where I hide myself and my fickle passions from the enshittification of the outside internet.

In a manner of speaking, this is my online house. And you've invited yourself in as a guest. Welcome :]

I draw, I write and roleplay, and I'm learning to dabble in code and web design. I have two cats and a partner I would kill for.

As you can see, this site is SUPER work-in-progress, and it's gonna be that way for awhile. This is my first real HTML project and I don't have a ton of free time, so features to help expand and beautify the site will be rolling out in frequent but miniscule updates. Right now, none of the links go anywhere and as I'm sure you've observed there's nothing visually interesting going on here. I've made the skeleton of a homepage, and I'm working on how to fabricate the flesh. TL;DR: be patient with me, I'm learning.

That's all I've got for now, I appreciate you stopping by. Hope I get to see you again!